Tuesday, November 6, 2007

баяртай, Lucy!

17 days after little Lucy came into our lives she is gone. Last night, I took Lucy to her new owners, the parents of the boyfriend of one my counterparts. She will live in a ger haasha very near the Haara River. There she will have two older male dogs to protect her and to show her the way. The parents seem very nice, especially the mother. I was told today by my counterpart that Lucy is a welcomed addition to the ger, that they are happy to have new entertainment in their home. Also, the family has decided to keep calling her Lucy.

A text message (a very popular mode of communication here, much cheaper than making calls) last night from Lucy’s new mom: “Hi. Lucy is good. I will feed her in the mornings and at night. I have a pretty dog. Thank you for your present.” The best part about this message is that she didn’t have to send it. I think we can confidently say that we have found Lucy a good home.

Over the last two and a half weeks the three of us had our ups and our downs, but Cady and I are better people having known her. She leaves us a happy puppy and we know she will live a happy life and grow to be a happy dog in the countryside. So as they say goodbye in Mongolia-- Bayartai! (or more like баяртай!).

Her last photo!

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