We've begun to upload lots of pictures on Shutterfly-- you can view our albums at cadyandpeter.shutterfly.com. And for those of you that haven't seen our wedding shots on there, they're fun to look at too!
We met the Hudoo (countryside) PCVs in town on Friday and Saturday and had fun catching up and hearing their adventures. We spent all summer living in places like they do, but now we have heat and running water-- they've got to build fires to keep warm and take sponge baths. We're pretty lucky in terms of services we have in Darkhan, I suppose. You never really think that heat and running water are luxuries, but they are in Mongolia, and we've got 'em! We went to the local "dance club" and had fun experiencing the cultural differences seen even there. Mostly, men are the big dancers in Mongolia, and the tend to dance in the American 1970s style -- this is probably mostly because they've listened to Abba their entire lives!
Our new address is posted below in a previous blog. We'll send out an email tomorrow with the new address and photo website once it's completely ready. We can't wait to show you all what we've been up to.
Here's some photos we have borrowed from other PCVs of one of the performers in our Welcoming Ceremony. He sang for us while the girl pictured below danced. The children performing were beautiful and we may be imagining things, but it seems like everyone is so talented in music and arts. We think it may have something to do with the fact that winter is so cold and you just stay inside and practice!
Hopefully it stays cool for awhile before it dips into freezing. We need time to adjust! We miss you all and can't wait to hear from you.
HI, Cady and Peter,
This blog is very terrific. You are a brave pair. Wonderful pictures and it was so very nice to see your smiling faces. I loved Peter in his Mongolian outfit. Love, Susan.
Hey! 40 degrees - you'll be fine! (Until winter sets in!) Beautiful pictures; thanks for sharing!
Wonderful. We are so proud of you. Keep smiling!
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